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Temple Stuart Site Removal #2

Site Contact:
Wing Chau
On-Scene Coordinator


Site Location:
24 Holman Street
Baldwinville, MA 01436

In June 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Region 1 removal program received a letter from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP), dated May 10, 2023, requesting assistance to address polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs) contaminated soils located at the Temple Stuart Site. The request indicated that during a site investigation performed as part of a Targeted Brownfields Assessment in February and March 2023, high concentrations of PCBs were detected in surface soils. Due to the PCB concentrations in surficial soils, MassDEP had requested that EPA’s brownfields contractor restrict access to these areas with temporary fencing to limit exposure.

The EPA removal program reviewed the Phase I Environmental Assessment Report dated March 2022, the Targeted Brownfields Assessment sampling results, and historical reports related to past Site activities. To further define the extent of PCB contamination, the removal program requested the EPA brownfields program to conduct additional sampling near the identified PCB-contaminated areas. The EPA brownfields’ contractor conducted the additional sampling in September 2023. This additional sampling confirmed elevated PCB levels in and around the restricted area and by an adjacent concrete slab which had been used for staging of PCB-contaminated soil during a prior EPA removal action initiated in 2002.   

Based on the review of historical reports, including the 2022 Phase I Environmental Assessment and the sampling results from EPA’s brownfield assessments, the removal site evaluation was concluded with the signing of the Site Investigation Closure Memorandum dated December 13, 2023, which indicates that site conditions warrant a time-critical removal action to address the release or threat of release of hazardous substances into the environment.

For additional information, visit the Notices section.