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Final Site Update 10/31/2023
Demolition and removal of hazardous materials has been completed. Waste materials in large containers (aka “dumpsters” or “roll-offs”) have been transferred off-site for disposal.
Firefighting equipment and monitoring equipment have been demobilized; the live air monitoring data map has been closed. The container wall has been dismantled. Traffic disruptions on Applegate Lane will be limited to temporary lane closures to accommodate the loading and demobilization of heavy equipment.
Final work at the Site will include removal of concrete from the foundation of the building, land grading, and installation of vegetation for ground cover.
Air Monitoring Data Summary Reports: (click on link)
October 16
October 17
October 18
October 19
October 20
October 21
October 22
October 23
October 24
October 25
In late July 2023, the Louisville Metro Police Department
executed a search warrant for properties at 6211 and 6213 Applegate Lane where
they found explosives and other hazardous materials that posed a risk to human
At the request of the City of Louisville, EPA responded and
assisted in evaluating options for safe cleanup of the Site while incorporating
the concerns shared by the surrounding community from a meeting held on August
7, 2023.
EPA was on site during the week of August 14 to assess the Site
and found mercury contamination inside and outside of 6211 Applegate Lane. The
EPA led a cleanup of the mercury contamination at the end of August 2023.
EPA entered Unified Command with Louisville Metro
Emergency Services and Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection to complete the response at 6213 Applegate Lane. A strategy using controlled mechanical demolition was accepted by Unified Command and the City of Louisville. EPA will mobilize environmental response contractors to conduct the demolition and disposal work.
Information on Waste Staging
EPA has
temporarily moved waste containers with solidified materials from the Applegate
Lane Containers site to a remote section of the Derek R. Guthrie Water Quality
Treatment Center operated by Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD).
There are several key things to note about this step of the project:
- This is normal practice for an
emergency response
temporary staging of waste in a remote area on publicly-owned property is not
unusual for emergency response work. This option is preferable over leaving
large containers of waste on the property at Applegate Lane, and it is in a
secure area away from residents.
- The staging area is secure and
property is fenced with locked and monitored gates, and the facility is manned
24 hours per day and 7 days per week. The nearest residence is a quarter mile
away from the staging area – this is more than adequately protective.
- Disposal arrangements still
need to be made
the waste is gathered into a container, it cannot be sent immediately to a
disposal facility or landfill. The waste needs to be sampled, then an
appropriate landfill needs to be selected and approved. This process can take a
few weeks.
- The containers are designed for
this purpose
materials removed from the building were deactivated to prevent reactions and
solidified with adsorbent materials, then they were placed in disposal
containers (aka “roll-off” boxes) that were lined with plastic to prevent leaks
and covered to keep out rain.
- Louisville MSD is not
responsible for the waste
of the containers is the responsibility of EPA. The soil at the staging area
was sampled before containers were brought to the area and will be sampled
again after all of the containers have left. In the unlikely event that any
contamination has occurred in the soil, EPA will ensure that it is adequately
cleaned and replaced.
- Air monitoring is being
conducted as a precaution
Department of Environmental Protection’s (KYDEP) Emergency Response program has
setup an air monitoring network around the temporary staging area as a
precaution to ensure that there are no reactions occurring in the waste
containers. Live data from this air monitoring
network is available at this link.
To date, only measurements consistent with a municipal wastewater treatment plant
have been recorded.